Greenplum에서 자주 사용하는 쿼리를 alias로 정리하였습니다.
Greenplum 6 버전입니다.
1. 테스트 쿼리
1) 시나리오
- 락으로 인하여, 어떤 쿼리에 문제가 있는지 확인하는 방법
- 카티션 조인 발생 후 truncate 실행
2) 쿼리
세션 #1, gpadmin=# select count(*) from aaa, aaa, aaa;
세션 #2, gpadmin=# truncate table aaa;
2. 수행 Alias
## qq: 현재 수행되고 있는 세션 확인, waiting에 t가 대기하고 있는 세션
[gpadmin@mdw ~]$ qq
?column? | usename | client_addr | waiting | pid | sess_id
00:00:10.35229 | gpadmin | | f | 66659 | 1980
00:00:00 | gpadmin | | f | 73344 | 2149
00:00:02.341306 | gpadmin | | t | 66412 | 1977
(3 rows)
## qqit: 현재 수행되고 있는 세션 확인, waiting에 t가 대기하고 있는 세션이며, 쿼리 앞부분 확인
[gpadmin@mdw ~]$ qqit
backend_tiem | duration_time | usename | client_addr | waiting | pid | sess_id | substring
2019-11-20 14:22:00 | 00:00:12.251838 | gpadmin | | f | 66659 | 1980 | select count(*) from
2019-11-20 14:31:42 | 00:00:00 | gpadmin | | f | 73372 | 2150 | SELECT substring(bac
2019-11-20 14:21:30 | 00:00:04.240854 | gpadmin | | t | 66412 | 1977 | truncate table aaa;
(3 rows)
## lt: locked 된 테이블의 Lock 유형과 락 프로세스 찾기
- running pid: 현재 수행되고 있는 프로세스 ID, 즉 카티션 조인되는 쿼리
- waiting pid: 현재 locking된 프로세스 ID, truncate 구문
[gpadmin@mdw ~]$ lt
locktype | relation | mode | waiting_pid | running_pid | gp_segment_id
relation | aaa | AccessExclusiveLock | 66412 | 66659 | -1
(1 row)
## locks: 현재 Lock 확인, 현 시점에서는 필요 없으나, 어떤 락이 걸리는지 확인
[gpadmin@mdw ~]$ locks
pid | relname | locktype | mode | gp_segment_id
66659 | aaa | relation | AccessShareLock | -1
66412 | aaa | relation | AccessExclusiveLock | -1
42560 | aaa | relation | AccessShareLock | 0
42561 | aaa | relation | AccessShareLock | 1
43080 | aaa | relation | AccessShareLock | 2
43081 | aaa | relation | AccessShareLock | 3
(6 rows)
## cq: 현재 수행중인 쿼리 확인
[gpadmin@mdw ~]$ cq
?column? | pid | usename | sess_id | query
00:00:57.979556 | 66659 | gpadmin | 1980 | select count(*) from aaa a, aaa b, aaa c;
00:00:49.968572 | 66412 | gpadmin | 1977 | truncate table aaa;
00:00:00 | 73958 | gpadmin | 2163 | select now()-query_start, pid, usename, sess_id, query from pg_stat_activity where state not like '%idle%' order by 1 desc;
(3 rows)
## 카티션 조인 쿼리 취소,
[gpadmin@mdw ~]$ psql
psql (9.4.24)
Type "help" for help.
gpadmin=# select pg_terminate_backend(66659); -- 카티션 조인 쿼리 프로세스
(1 row)
gpadmin=# select pg_terminate_backend(66659);
WARNING: PID 66659 is not a PostgreSQL server process
f ==> 세션 없어짐을 확인
(1 row)
gpadmin=# \q
## cq: 현재 수행 쿼리
[gpadmin@mdw ~]$ cq
?column? | pid | usename | sess_id | query
00:00:00 | 74500 | gpadmin | 2189 | select now()-query_start, pid, usename, sess_id, query from pg_stat_activity where state not like '%idle%' order by 1 desc;
(1 row)
[gpadmin@mdw ~]$ lt
locktype | relation | mode | waiting_pid | running_pid | gp_segment_id
(0 rows)
[gpadmin@mdw ~]$
## alias 적용 방법
gpadmin 계정 홈디렉토리의 .bashrc에 적용
[gpadmin@mdw ~]$ vi .bashrc
## 현재 실행중인 쿼리 세션
alias qq='psql -c " select now()-query_start, usename, client_addr, waiting, pid, sess_id, pg_resgroup from pg_stat_activity where state not like '\''%idle%'\'' order by 4, 1 desc;"'
## 현재 실행중인 쿼리 세션 및 일부 쿼리
alias qqit='psql -c "SELECT substring(backend_start,1,19) as backend_tiem, now()-query_start as duration_time, usename, client_addr, waiting, pid, sess_id, pg_resgroup, substring(query,1,20) FROM pg_stat_activity AS query_string WHERE state <> '\''idle'\'' ORDER BY waiting, duration_time desc;"'
## lock 정보
alias lt='psql -c "SELECT distinct w.locktype, w.relation::regclass AS relation, w.mode, as waiting_pid, as running_pid, w.gp_segment_id FROM pg_catalog.pg_locks AS w JOIN pg_catalog.pg_stat_activity AS w_stm ON ( = JOIN pg_catalog.pg_locks AS other ON ((w.DATABASE = other.DATABASE AND w.relation = other.relation) OR w.transactionid = other.transactionid) JOIN pg_catalog.pg_stat_activity AS other_stm ON ( = WHERE NOT w.granted and <>;"'
alias locks='psql -c " SELECT pid, relname, locktype, mode, a.gp_segment_id from pg_locks a, pg_class where relation=oid and relname not like '\''pg_%'\'' order by 3;"'
## 현재 실행 중인 쿼리
alias cq='psql -c "select now()-query_start, pid, usename, sess_id, query from pg_stat_activity where state not like '\''%idle%'\'' order by 1 desc;"'
## analyze 정보
alias na='psql -c "SELECT count(relname) from pg_class where reltuples=0 and relpages=0 and relkind='\''r'\'' and relname not like '\''t%'\'' and relname not like '\''err%'\'';" '
alias nan='psql -c "SELECT '\''analyze '\''||nspname||'\''.'\''||relname||'\'';'\'' from pg_class c, pg_namespace nc where nc.oid = c.relnamespace and c.reltuples=0 and c.relpages=0 and c.relkind='\''r'\'' and c.relname not like '\''t%'\'' and c.relname not like '\''err%'\'';"'
## Bloate 된 테이블 리스트 보기
alias bt='psql -c "select bdinspname schema_nm, bdirelname tb_nm, bdirelpages*32.0/1024.0 real_size_mb, bdiexppages*32.0/1024.0 exp_size_mb from gp_toolkit.gp_bloat_diag where bdirelpages*32.0/1024.0 > 100;" '
## Idle 세션 보기
alias is='psql -c " SELECT now()-query_start, usename, pid, sess_id, query from pg_stat_activity where state like '\''idle'\'' order by 1 desc;"'
alias it='psql -c "SELECT now()-query_start, usename, pid, sess_id, query FROM pg_stat_activity where trim(query) like '\''%in transaction'\'' ORDER BY 1 DESC;"'
## analyze 안된 리스트
alias na='psql -c "SELECT count(relname) from pg_class where reltuples=0 and relpages=0 and relkind='\''r'\'' and relname not like '\''t%'\'' and relname not like '\''err%'\'';" '
## analyze 안된 리스트 쿼리 생성
alias nan='psql -c "SELECT '\''analyze '\''||nspname||'\''.'\''||relname||'\'';'\'' from pg_class c, pg_namespace nc where nc.oid = c.relnamespace and c.reltuples=0 and c.relpages=0 and c.relkind='\''r'\'' and c.relname not like '\''t%'\'' and c.relname not like '\''err%'\'';"'
alias pgoption='PGOPTIONS="-c gp_session_role=utility" psql -p 5432'
## 리소스 큐
alias rss='psql -c " select a.rsqname, a.rsqcountlimit as countlimit, a.rsqcountvalue as countvalue, a.rsqwaiters as waiters, a.rsqholders as running ,a.rsqcostlimit as costlimit, a.rsqcostvalue as costvalue, b.rsqignorecostlimit as ignorecostlimit, b.rsqovercommit as overcommit from pg_resqueue_status a, pg_resqueue b where a.rsqname =b.rsqname order by 1;"'
alias rs='psql -c " select rsqname, rsqcountlimit cntlimit, rsqcountvalue cntval, rsqcostlimit costlimit, rsqcostvalue vostval, rsqmemorylimit memlimit, rsqmemoryvalue memval, rsqwaiters waiters, rsqholders holders from gp_toolkit.gp_resqueue_status;"'
## 임시 스키마 확인
alias ts='psql -c "select n.nspname from pg_namespace n where nspname not in (select '\''pg_temp_'\''||sess_id from pg_stat_activity) and nspname like '\''pg_temp%'\'';"'
## Reorg 대상 테이블 추출 및 쿼리 생성
alias reorg='psql -AXtc "select '\''ALTER TABLE '\''||bdinspname||'\''.'\''||bdirelname||'\'' SET WITH (REORGANIZE=TRUE); '\'' qry from gp_toolkit.gp_bloat_diag where bdirelpages*32/1024 > 10 ;" '
# resource group
alias rga='psql -c "SELECT rolname, rsgname FROM pg_roles, pg_resgroup WHERE pg_roles.rolresgroup=pg_resgroup.oid;"'
alias rg='psql -c "SELECT * FROM gp_toolkit.gp_resgroup_status_per_host;"'
alias rgs='psql -c "SELECT * FROM gp_toolkit.gp_resgroup_status_per_segment;"'
alias rgd='psql -c "SELECT * FROM gp_toolkit.gp_resgroup_status;"'
빠른 확인이 가능해서 생각보다 편리합니다.
Greenplum 6 버전입니다.
1. 테스트 쿼리
1) 시나리오
- 락으로 인하여, 어떤 쿼리에 문제가 있는지 확인하는 방법
- 카티션 조인 발생 후 truncate 실행
2) 쿼리
세션 #1, gpadmin=# select count(*) from aaa, aaa, aaa;
세션 #2, gpadmin=# truncate table aaa;
2. 수행 Alias
## qq: 현재 수행되고 있는 세션 확인, waiting에 t가 대기하고 있는 세션
[gpadmin@mdw ~]$ qq
?column? | usename | client_addr | waiting | pid | sess_id
00:00:10.35229 | gpadmin | | f | 66659 | 1980
00:00:00 | gpadmin | | f | 73344 | 2149
00:00:02.341306 | gpadmin | | t | 66412 | 1977
(3 rows)
## qqit: 현재 수행되고 있는 세션 확인, waiting에 t가 대기하고 있는 세션이며, 쿼리 앞부분 확인
[gpadmin@mdw ~]$ qqit
backend_tiem | duration_time | usename | client_addr | waiting | pid | sess_id | substring
2019-11-20 14:22:00 | 00:00:12.251838 | gpadmin | | f | 66659 | 1980 | select count(*) from
2019-11-20 14:31:42 | 00:00:00 | gpadmin | | f | 73372 | 2150 | SELECT substring(bac
2019-11-20 14:21:30 | 00:00:04.240854 | gpadmin | | t | 66412 | 1977 | truncate table aaa;
(3 rows)
## lt: locked 된 테이블의 Lock 유형과 락 프로세스 찾기
- running pid: 현재 수행되고 있는 프로세스 ID, 즉 카티션 조인되는 쿼리
- waiting pid: 현재 locking된 프로세스 ID, truncate 구문
[gpadmin@mdw ~]$ lt
locktype | relation | mode | waiting_pid | running_pid | gp_segment_id
relation | aaa | AccessExclusiveLock | 66412 | 66659 | -1
(1 row)
## locks: 현재 Lock 확인, 현 시점에서는 필요 없으나, 어떤 락이 걸리는지 확인
[gpadmin@mdw ~]$ locks
pid | relname | locktype | mode | gp_segment_id
66659 | aaa | relation | AccessShareLock | -1
66412 | aaa | relation | AccessExclusiveLock | -1
42560 | aaa | relation | AccessShareLock | 0
42561 | aaa | relation | AccessShareLock | 1
43080 | aaa | relation | AccessShareLock | 2
43081 | aaa | relation | AccessShareLock | 3
(6 rows)
## cq: 현재 수행중인 쿼리 확인
[gpadmin@mdw ~]$ cq
?column? | pid | usename | sess_id | query
00:00:57.979556 | 66659 | gpadmin | 1980 | select count(*) from aaa a, aaa b, aaa c;
00:00:49.968572 | 66412 | gpadmin | 1977 | truncate table aaa;
00:00:00 | 73958 | gpadmin | 2163 | select now()-query_start, pid, usename, sess_id, query from pg_stat_activity where state not like '%idle%' order by 1 desc;
(3 rows)
## 카티션 조인 쿼리 취소,
[gpadmin@mdw ~]$ psql
psql (9.4.24)
Type "help" for help.
gpadmin=# select pg_terminate_backend(66659); -- 카티션 조인 쿼리 프로세스
(1 row)
gpadmin=# select pg_terminate_backend(66659);
WARNING: PID 66659 is not a PostgreSQL server process
f ==> 세션 없어짐을 확인
(1 row)
gpadmin=# \q
## cq: 현재 수행 쿼리
[gpadmin@mdw ~]$ cq
?column? | pid | usename | sess_id | query
00:00:00 | 74500 | gpadmin | 2189 | select now()-query_start, pid, usename, sess_id, query from pg_stat_activity where state not like '%idle%' order by 1 desc;
(1 row)
[gpadmin@mdw ~]$ lt
locktype | relation | mode | waiting_pid | running_pid | gp_segment_id
(0 rows)
[gpadmin@mdw ~]$
## alias 적용 방법
gpadmin 계정 홈디렉토리의 .bashrc에 적용
[gpadmin@mdw ~]$ vi .bashrc
## 현재 실행중인 쿼리 세션
alias qq='psql -c " select now()-query_start, usename, client_addr, waiting, pid, sess_id, pg_resgroup from pg_stat_activity where state not like '\''%idle%'\'' order by 4, 1 desc;"'
## 현재 실행중인 쿼리 세션 및 일부 쿼리
alias qqit='psql -c "SELECT substring(backend_start,1,19) as backend_tiem, now()-query_start as duration_time, usename, client_addr, waiting, pid, sess_id, pg_resgroup, substring(query,1,20) FROM pg_stat_activity AS query_string WHERE state <> '\''idle'\'' ORDER BY waiting, duration_time desc;"'
## lock 정보
alias lt='psql -c "SELECT distinct w.locktype, w.relation::regclass AS relation, w.mode, as waiting_pid, as running_pid, w.gp_segment_id FROM pg_catalog.pg_locks AS w JOIN pg_catalog.pg_stat_activity AS w_stm ON ( = JOIN pg_catalog.pg_locks AS other ON ((w.DATABASE = other.DATABASE AND w.relation = other.relation) OR w.transactionid = other.transactionid) JOIN pg_catalog.pg_stat_activity AS other_stm ON ( = WHERE NOT w.granted and <>;"'
alias locks='psql -c " SELECT pid, relname, locktype, mode, a.gp_segment_id from pg_locks a, pg_class where relation=oid and relname not like '\''pg_%'\'' order by 3;"'
## 현재 실행 중인 쿼리
alias cq='psql -c "select now()-query_start, pid, usename, sess_id, query from pg_stat_activity where state not like '\''%idle%'\'' order by 1 desc;"'
## analyze 정보
alias na='psql -c "SELECT count(relname) from pg_class where reltuples=0 and relpages=0 and relkind='\''r'\'' and relname not like '\''t%'\'' and relname not like '\''err%'\'';" '
alias nan='psql -c "SELECT '\''analyze '\''||nspname||'\''.'\''||relname||'\'';'\'' from pg_class c, pg_namespace nc where nc.oid = c.relnamespace and c.reltuples=0 and c.relpages=0 and c.relkind='\''r'\'' and c.relname not like '\''t%'\'' and c.relname not like '\''err%'\'';"'
## Bloate 된 테이블 리스트 보기
alias bt='psql -c "select bdinspname schema_nm, bdirelname tb_nm, bdirelpages*32.0/1024.0 real_size_mb, bdiexppages*32.0/1024.0 exp_size_mb from gp_toolkit.gp_bloat_diag where bdirelpages*32.0/1024.0 > 100;" '
## Idle 세션 보기
alias is='psql -c " SELECT now()-query_start, usename, pid, sess_id, query from pg_stat_activity where state like '\''idle'\'' order by 1 desc;"'
alias it='psql -c "SELECT now()-query_start, usename, pid, sess_id, query FROM pg_stat_activity where trim(query) like '\''%in transaction'\'' ORDER BY 1 DESC;"'
## analyze 안된 리스트
alias na='psql -c "SELECT count(relname) from pg_class where reltuples=0 and relpages=0 and relkind='\''r'\'' and relname not like '\''t%'\'' and relname not like '\''err%'\'';" '
## analyze 안된 리스트 쿼리 생성
alias nan='psql -c "SELECT '\''analyze '\''||nspname||'\''.'\''||relname||'\'';'\'' from pg_class c, pg_namespace nc where nc.oid = c.relnamespace and c.reltuples=0 and c.relpages=0 and c.relkind='\''r'\'' and c.relname not like '\''t%'\'' and c.relname not like '\''err%'\'';"'
alias pgoption='PGOPTIONS="-c gp_session_role=utility" psql -p 5432'
## 리소스 큐
alias rss='psql -c " select a.rsqname, a.rsqcountlimit as countlimit, a.rsqcountvalue as countvalue, a.rsqwaiters as waiters, a.rsqholders as running ,a.rsqcostlimit as costlimit, a.rsqcostvalue as costvalue, b.rsqignorecostlimit as ignorecostlimit, b.rsqovercommit as overcommit from pg_resqueue_status a, pg_resqueue b where a.rsqname =b.rsqname order by 1;"'
alias rs='psql -c " select rsqname, rsqcountlimit cntlimit, rsqcountvalue cntval, rsqcostlimit costlimit, rsqcostvalue vostval, rsqmemorylimit memlimit, rsqmemoryvalue memval, rsqwaiters waiters, rsqholders holders from gp_toolkit.gp_resqueue_status;"'
## 임시 스키마 확인
alias ts='psql -c "select n.nspname from pg_namespace n where nspname not in (select '\''pg_temp_'\''||sess_id from pg_stat_activity) and nspname like '\''pg_temp%'\'';"'
## Reorg 대상 테이블 추출 및 쿼리 생성
alias reorg='psql -AXtc "select '\''ALTER TABLE '\''||bdinspname||'\''.'\''||bdirelname||'\'' SET WITH (REORGANIZE=TRUE); '\'' qry from gp_toolkit.gp_bloat_diag where bdirelpages*32/1024 > 10 ;" '
# resource group
alias rga='psql -c "SELECT rolname, rsgname FROM pg_roles, pg_resgroup WHERE pg_roles.rolresgroup=pg_resgroup.oid;"'
alias rg='psql -c "SELECT * FROM gp_toolkit.gp_resgroup_status_per_host;"'
alias rgs='psql -c "SELECT * FROM gp_toolkit.gp_resgroup_status_per_segment;"'
alias rgd='psql -c "SELECT * FROM gp_toolkit.gp_resgroup_status;"'
빠른 확인이 가능해서 생각보다 편리합니다.
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