Greenplum 6에서 Table SKEW 확인 방법
1. 히든 컬럼(gp_segment_id )을 이용한 방법
- 테이블의 세그먼트 인스턴스별로 row수를 확인
- 장점: 매우 직관적, 쉽게 확인 가능
- 단점: 테이블별/파티션별로 수행 필요, 수행시점에 Table Full 스캔
- 예시
SELECT gp_segment_id, COUNT(*)
FROM <schema_name>.<table_name>
GROUP BY gp_segment_id
2. Greenplum의 운영을 위한 view로 확인
- view 조회 시점, 내부적으로 gp_segment_id를 수행하여 결과를 보여 줌
- 관련 view: gp_toolkit.gp_skew_coefficients, gp_toolkit.gp_skew_idle_fractions
- 장점: DB내의 모든 테이블의 SKEW를 확인 가능
- 단점: 부하가 많고, 시간이 많이 걸림(view 조회 시점에 full 스캔을 하기에 실 운영환경에서는 비권고)
- 예시
FROM gp_toolkit.gp_skew_coefficients;
FROM gp_toolkit.gp_skew_idle_fractions;
3. 모든 세그먼트에서 테이블의 OS 파일 사이즈로 확인 방법
- 모든 세그먼트의 OS 파일을 external table로 만든 다음 사이즈 체크
- 장점: 전체 DB 확인시 매우 빠름
- 단점: DML 발생시에는 해당 테이블 반영안될수 있음. 함수 생성 필요
- 예시
1) 함수 생성 - Greenplum 6
DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS public.greenplum_check_skew();
CREATE FUNCTION public.greenplum_check_skew()
relation text,
vtotal_size_gb numeric,
vseg_min_size_gb numeric,
vseg_max_size_gb numeric,
vseg_avg_size_gb numeric,
vseg_gap_min_max_percent numeric,
vseg_gap_min_max_gb numeric,
vnb_empty_seg bigint)
LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $$
v_function_name text := 'greenplum_check_skew';
v_location int;
v_sql text;
v_db_oid text;
The function checks the skew on greenplum table via OS file size
* The table "greenplum_get_refilenodes" collects all the relfilenodes found on the database from all segments
* The external "greenplum_get_db_file_ext" tables collects all the files that are on the base directory
* The view "greenplum_get_file_statistics" combines the relfilenodes and displays the size of the relation by segments
* The view "greenplum_get_skew_report" provide high level overview of the skew
-- Set the client min messages to just warning
v_location := 1000;
SET client_min_messages TO WARNING;
-- Get the database oid
v_location := 2000;
SELECT d.oid INTO v_db_oid
FROM pg_database d
WHERE datname = current_database();
-- Drop the temp table if it exists
v_location := 3000;
v_sql := 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS public.greenplum_get_refilenodes CASCADE';
v_location := 3100;
EXECUTE v_sql;
-- Temp table to temporary store the relfile records
v_location := 4000;
v_sql := 'CREATE TABLE public.greenplum_get_refilenodes ('
' segment_id int,'
' o oid,'
' relname name,'
' relnamespace oid,'
' relkind char,'
' relfilenode bigint'
v_location := 4100;
EXECUTE v_sql;
-- Store all the data related to the relfilenodes from all
-- the segments into the temp table
v_location := 5000;
v_sql := 'INSERT INTO public.greenplum_get_refilenodes SELECT '
' s.gp_segment_id segment_id, '
' s.oid o, '
' s.relname, '
' s.relnamespace,'
' s.relkind,'
' s.relfilenode '
' gp_dist_random(''pg_class'') s ' -- all segment
' m.gp_segment_id segment_id, '
' m.oid o, '
' m.relname, '
' m.relnamespace,'
' m.relkind,'
' m.relfilenode '
' pg_class m '; -- relfiles from master
v_location := 5100;
EXECUTE v_sql;
-- Drop the external table if it exists
v_location := 6000;
v_sql := 'DROP EXTERNAL WEB TABLE IF EXISTS public.greenplum_get_db_file_ext';
v_location := 6100;
EXECUTE v_sql;
-- Create a external that runs a shell script to extract all the files
-- on the base directory
v_location := 7000;
v_sql := 'CREATE EXTERNAL WEB TABLE public.greenplum_get_db_file_ext ' ||
'(segment_id int, relfilenode text, filename text, ' ||
'size numeric) ' ||
'execute E''ls -l $GP_SEG_DATADIR/base/' || v_db_oid ||
' | ' ||
'grep gpadmin | ' ||
E'awk {''''print ENVIRON["GP_SEGMENT_ID"] "\\t" $9 "\\t" ' ||
'ENVIRON["GP_SEG_DATADIR"] "/base/' || v_db_oid ||
E'/" $9 "\\t" $5''''}'' on all ' || 'format ''text''';
v_location := 7100;
EXECUTE v_sql;
-- Drop the datafile statistics view if exists
v_location := 8000;
v_sql := 'DROP VIEW IF EXISTS public.greenplum_get_file_statistics';
v_location := 8100;
EXECUTE v_sql;
-- Create a view to get all the datafile statistics
v_location := 9000;
v_sql :='CREATE VIEW public.greenplum_get_file_statistics AS '
' n.nspname || ''.'' || c.relname relation, '
' osf.segment_id, '
' split_part(osf.relfilenode, ''.'' :: text, 1) relfilenode, '
' c.relkind, '
' sum(osf.size) size '
' public.greenplum_get_db_file_ext osf '
' JOIN public.greenplum_get_refilenodes c ON ('
' c.segment_id = osf.segment_id '
' AND split_part(osf.relfilenode, ''.'' :: text, 1) = c.relfilenode :: text'
' ) '
' JOIN pg_namespace n ON c.relnamespace = n.oid '
' osf.relfilenode ~ ''(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)'' '
-- ' AND c.relkind = ''r'' :: char '
' AND n.nspname not in ('
' ''pg_catalog'', '
' ''information_schema'', '
' ''gp_toolkit'' '
' ) '
' AND not n.nspname like ''pg_temp%'' '
' GROUP BY 1,2,3,4';
v_location := 9100;
EXECUTE v_sql;
-- Drop the skew report view view if exists
v_location := 10000;
v_sql := 'DROP VIEW IF EXISTS public.greenplum_get_skew_report';
v_location := 10100;
EXECUTE v_sql;
-- Create a view to get all the table skew statistics
v_location := 11100;
v_sql :='CREATE VIEW public.greenplum_get_skew_report AS '
' sub.relation relation,'
' (sum(sub.size)/(1024^3))::numeric(15,2) AS vtotal_size_GB,' --Size on segments
' (min(sub.size)/(1024^3))::numeric(15,2) AS vseg_min_size_GB,'
' (max(sub.size)/(1024^3))::numeric(15,2) AS vseg_max_size_GB,'
' (avg(sub.size)/(1024^3))::numeric(15,2) AS vseg_avg_size_GB,' --Percentage of gap between smaller segment and bigger segment
' (100*(max(sub.size) - min(sub.size))/greatest(max(sub.size),1))::numeric(6,2) AS vseg_gap_min_max_percent,'
' ((max(sub.size) - min(sub.size))/(1024^3))::numeric(15,2) AS vseg_gap_min_max_GB,'
' count(sub.size) filter (where sub.size = 0) AS vnb_empty_seg '
'public.greenplum_get_file_statistics sub'
' GROUP BY 1';
v_location := 11100;
EXECUTE v_sql;
-- Return the data back
RETURN query (
FROM public.greenplum_get_skew_report a);
-- Throw the exception whereever it encounters one
RAISE EXCEPTION '(%:%:%)', v_function_name, v_location, sqlerrm;
2) SKEW 리포트 함수 실행
SELECT * FROM public.greenplum_check_skew()
where vseg_gap_min_max_percent > 10;
relation | vtotal_size_gb | vseg_min_size_gb | vseg_max_size_gb | vseg_avg_size_gb | vseg_gap_min_max_percent | vseg_gap_min_max_gb | vnb_empty_seg
public.order_log_1_prt_p2002 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 15.50 | 0.00 | 0
public.greenplum_get_refilenodes | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 42.86 | 0.00 | 0
public.order_log_1_prt_p2004 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 12.80 | 0.00 | 0
public.order_log_1_prt_p2006 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 19.53 | 0.00 | 0
public.order_log_1_prt_p2001 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 14.63 | 0.00 | 0
public.test_toast2 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 100.00 | 0.00 | 1
public.order_log_1_prt_p2005h1 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 24.32 | 0.00 | 0
gpkrtpch.region_ix | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 50.00 | 0.00 | 0
gpkrtpch.region_pkey | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 50.00 | 0.00 | 0
pg_toast.pg_toast_182074 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 100.00 | 0.00 | 1
pg_toast.pg_toast_182074_index | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 50.00 | 0.00 | 0
gpkrtpch.region | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 100.00 | 0.00 | 1
public.test_toast2_pkey | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 50.00 | 0.00 | 0
gpkrtpch.supplier_pkey | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 20.00 | 0.00 | 0
(14 rows)
Time: 210.008 ms
3) 각 테이블의 각 세그먼트의 사이즈 확인
SELECT * FROM public.greenplum_get_file_statistics
where relation = 'public.order_log_1_prt_p2002';
relation | segment_id | relfilenode | relkind | size
public.order_log_1_prt_p2002 | 0 | 209050 | r | 896
public.order_log_1_prt_p2002 | 3 | 255681 | r | 944
public.order_log_1_prt_p2002 | 1 | 161093 | r | 872
public.order_log_1_prt_p2002 | 2 | 161093 | r | 1032
(4 rows)